Beautifully observed and written. A seeing in the dark and as Rilke wrote:

"You darkness, that I come from

I love you more than all the fires

that fence in the world

for the fire makes

a circle of light for everyone,

and then no one outside learns of you

But the darkness pulls in everything;

shapes and fires, animals and myself,

how easily it gathers them!

powers and people

and it is possible a great energy

is moving near me.

I have faith in nights."

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Thanks Chris - yes 'darkness pulls in everything'. I also love Victor Hugo's notion of the 'dark radiances' which become apparent when we dim the lights of what is already known. 'The luminous world' he writes 'is the invisible world' - invisible only because it is yet to be seen.

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Susan, You have such deep wisdom and clear insight: "Where we have understood the value of psychotherapy as a space in which we are seen, we may have overlooked its most fundamental contribution, as a space in which we learn how to see." With deep respect, David

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Very generous of you David - thanks!

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